**Expansion of Primary Education and Efforts in Higher Education**
The initiation of compulsory primary education in 1993 marked a pivotal moment in Bangladesh's educational landscape, igniting a wave of enthusiasm that cascaded through the secondary and higher secondary levels. This surge in mass awareness injected a newfound dynamism into the educational sector.
With approximately 80% of the rural population in Bangladesh engaged in agriculture, and the remainder predominantly reliant on trade for livelihoods, the vocational paths for many urban students often led them to family occupations post-primary or secondary education. Although opportunities for higher education were more accessible for urban students, those from rural backgrounds found themselves in a more advantageous position to seize these opportunities.
However, recent trends indicate a concerning lag among rural students compared to their urban counterparts, attributed to escalating financial pressures and various socio-cultural factors. Issues such as entrenched traditional mindsets, social disparities, misconceptions, and a leadership deficit have exacerbated this discrepancy.
These challenges have deeply troubled philanthropic individuals in the southern town of Chatak. Motivated by a sincere desire for positive change in education, they convened numerous meetings to assess the situation comprehensively. Subsequently, they resolved to actively promote education within their region, culminating in the bold decision to establish a higher secondary college as their primary initiative.
Thus, through collective sincerity, the groundwork for a robust organization was laid, leading to the inception of Janata Mahavidyalaya under the auspices of Gramin Shiksha Prasar Sansthan (SAVE). Notably, significant efforts were invested in acquiring suitable land for the college, with the registration of land with the Ministry of Education marking a significant milestone.
Commencing from September 18, 1994, a series of meetings galvanized local stakeholders towards the establishment of the college. These efforts included encouraging secondary school students to aspire to enroll in Janata Mahavidyalaya, resulting in the compilation of a list of prospective applicants. However, delays in obtaining permission for the college led to some enrolled students opting out, resulting in an initial enrollment of only 33 students. Nevertheless, the steadfast commitment of students in subsequent academic years provided reassurance, underscoring the crucial support of their parents.
On November 4, 1994, a unanimous decision was made to establish a fund through the involvement of esteemed local figures. This initiative culminated in the collection of a substantial fund totaling Rs. 3,65,000/=, a portion of which was deposited as a fixed deposit in the name of Janata Mahavidyalaya.
Despite challenges stemming from social leadership differences, the involvement of key figures such as Mr. Ekram Uddin Ahmad, Secretary General of Grameen Shiksha Prasar Sanstha, and Mr. Abdul Mumin Masuk Mia, facilitated the expedited implementation of Janata Mahavidyalaya.
The contributions of various individuals including Mr. Warish Ali, Mr. Haji Md. Afroz Miah, and Mr. Fazlul Haque, among others, were indispensable in the development of this institution. Furthermore, the unwavering dedication and leadership of Principal Mr. Akhlaqur Rahman played a pivotal role in orchestrating the entire endeavor.
Subsequently, through collaborative efforts with UK expatriates and the CDP Group, the arduous process of establishing the college was propelled forward successfully. Janata Mahavidyalaya now stands as a beacon of higher education, a testament to the sacrifices made by its founders. It is hoped that future generations, inspired by their noble predecessors, will continue to contribute to the advancement of society, fulfilling the aspirations of the present and posterity.